Krista Kiepke
Krista Kiepke
Krista Kiepke has been a resident of Clarksville, Montgomery County for the last 13 years and is the sole proprietor of Vetted Consulting and Marketing Group as well as the leasing and public relations manager for Haus Realty & Management, most importantly she is the mother of an amazingly kind; smart, and beautiful 10.5-year-old daughter, Khloë Layne.
She was born and raised in Western Kentucky but moved to Central Texas in 1996 where she started a 17-year career in government contracting and fell in love with our beloved military. From Fort Hood, Texas Krista was sent all over the world as a field service engineer; an instructor; a technical writer and eventually a software engineer where she was deployed down range for 3 consecutive years in various locations throughout Iraq while supporting joint forces.
Krista is an unapologetically, born again disciple of Jesus and a lifelong conservative Republican. She is a die-hard patriot who believes wholeheartedly in the foundations this incredible country we get to call home was built upon. She is and has always been willing to step up to the plate to serve in any role to improve Montgomery County, Clarksville, and the great state of Tennessee.
- (931) 919-2457
- [email protected]