The 2024 elections are in full swing, and it’s time to roll up our sleeves and get to work – our candidates and party need your help. Now, elections can become personal and stir strong emotions, so let’s remember that, ultimately, we’re on the same team working towards a common goal of ensuring that Democrats don’t prevail in the tremendously important elections this year.
The Party Chairman and officers are prohibited from endorsing, supporting, or recommending any Republican candidate in a contested primary and we will stick to these core tenants of the Montgomery County Republican Party (MCTNGOP). After the county (March 5) and State Primaries (August 1), we’ll be launching a comprehensive effort to support our Republican nominees.
Please familiarize yourself with the guidelines outlined in our county bylaws, set to be approved this month. Your active participation is crucial in upholding the integrity of our shared mission.
The purposes of the MCTNGOP include but are not limited to:
- Assist the Tennessee Republican Party (“TRP”), the Republican National Committee (“RNC”), and other Tennessee Republican organizations in carrying out their purposes; and
- Foster good citizenship and cohesion in general with regard to the Tennessee State and United States Constitutions; and
- Foster loyalty to the Republican Party and to promote its ideals including the RNC Platform; and
- Increase public awareness of the Republican position on public issues; and
- Increase the effectiveness of MCTNGOP members in the cause of good government through active political participation; and
- Recruit, educate, support, and elect Republican candidates for public office on the local,
state, and national levels and support Bona fide Republicans who are running for non-partisan elected offices; and - Raise funds for Republican campaigns and in support of Republican causes; and
- Recruit membership and involvement in MCTNGOP.
As Republicans, our strength lies in unity and solidarity as we champion our God-given rights as conservatives. Together, we embody the spirit of “STRONGER TOGETHER.” We will see you at our monthly meeting this Tuesday, January 23rd. I have invited all the county Republican primary candidates to come and share for a few moments. Your presence is key to helping share about these candidates as we come together to forge a path forward. See you there!